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N.C. Regulations

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Welcome to the X-Ray Program


The use of x-ray machines has been regulated by our agency since 1964 when the initial regulations were adopted by the General Assembly. All users of x-ray producing equipment are regulated except federal agencies and Indian health agencies.

Two primary groups make up the x-ray users: healing arts and non-healing arts applications. The category of users in the healing arts range from the use of x-ray imaging in hospitals, clinics, physicians, chiropractors, dentistry and veterinary practices.

The use of x-ray in non-healing arts range from the learning labs at universities, industrial radiography, to law enforcement applications for bomb detection or finger printing and irradiation for communicable disease control.

Presently there are 7,705 x-ray registrants with a total of 25,434 tubes. These registrants are inspected on a 3, 4 or 5  year frequency, which was determined by our initiation of fee program. All registrants are inspected according to the "North Carolina Regulations for Protection Against Radiation" and any applicable federal requirements.                                                                                             Revised 7/30/12



      NCDHHS    .     NC Radiation Protection     .    1645 Mail Service Center   .     
Raleigh, NC 27699-1645        Office (919) 814-2250         
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