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Radioactive Materials Branch
Invoice/Billing FAQ

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15A NCAC 11 .1100
All persons who possess either a Radioactive Materials License (General or Specific) or Accelerator License are subject to the fees contained in this Section.   There are usually many questions concerning the invoice(s) that a licensee receives.  Click on a question/topic below for answers to some of the more commonly asked questions about invoices/billing.

  When can I expect to see my invoice for this year?   What regulations govern billing and fees?
  Who must pay the annual invoice fee?   I do not have any radioactive materials (or accelerators) in my possession yet. Do I still have to pay the fee?
My license has expired. Do I have to pay the fee noted in the invoice? I terminated by license AFTER I paid the annual fee. Is the fee refundable?
  I have multiple licenses with the agency. Can I write one check for the total cost of all invoices? Will I receive a receipt from the agency indicating that the invoice has been paid in full?
  I know I paid the invoice, but I have now received a "Final Notice" from the agency indicating that the fee is delinquent. What documentation does the agency require to rectify this matter? I noticed that the mailing address (or other item) on the invoice is not correct. Should I correct it on the invoice and return it to the agency?
The "amount due" on the invoice IS NOT THE SAME AS the fee amount listed in Rule .1106 - WHY? I received an invoice for my radioactive materials license on August 11, 2007.  The "amount due" on the invoice IS IDENTICAL TO the fee amount listed in Rule .1106.  Why is fee higher than someone billed on July 18, 2007?


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What regulations govern billing and fees?

15A NCAC 11 .1100 "Fees" contains of the regulations relating to fees, billing dates, etc.  FOR RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS AND ACCELERATOR LICENSEES ONLY, the amount you were billed this year may not match the fee listed in Rule .1106. (see below)

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Who must pay the annual invoice fee?

The short answer is ANY LICENSEE (General or Specific) who receives an invoice

The long answer is as follows:

A. For SPECIFIC licensees, any licensee who has an active license (i.e., not terminated by the agency) on the date of the ORIGINAL INVOICE (that being July 18, 2007  for FY 2007-2008).
B. For GENERAL licensees, any licensee who has not provided written certification (with the required documentation) of proper disposal of the generally licensed material(s) BY AUGUST 31, 2007.

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I do not have any radioactive materials (or accelerators) in my possession yet. Do I still have to pay the fee?

Yes. The fee is due and payable by the date referenced in the invoice. The license is issued to ALLOW for possession of radioactive materials or accelerators. Payment of the fee is NOT CONTINGENT on POSSESSION.

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My license has expired. Do I have to pay the fee noted in the invoice?

Yes. And you need to contact the Radioactive Materials Branch as soon as possible!

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I terminated by license AFTER I paid the annual fee. Is the fee refundable?

No. 15A NCAC 11 .1102(d) states "All fees received by the agency pursuant to provisions of the Section shall be nonrefundable."

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I have multiple licenses with the agency. Can I write one check for the total cost of all invoices?

The agency would prefer a separate check for each invoice. However, one check for the total amount is allowable PROVIDED EACH INDIVIDUAL INVOICE NUMBER IS REFERENCED IN THE MEMO FIELD OF THE CHECK/MONEY ORDER.

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Will I receive a receipt from the agency indicating that the invoice has been paid in full?

No. The agency does not provide receipts for payment of the annual fee. You should use the cancelled check/money order as proof of payment.

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I know I paid the invoice, but I have now received a "Final Notice" from the agency indicating that the fee is delinquent. What documentation does the agency require to rectify this matter?

Provide the agency a copy of BOTH sides of the cancelled check, along with a letter requesting that your account be credited for payment.

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I noticed that the mailing address (or other item) on the invoice is not correct. Should I correct it on the invoice and return it to the agency?

NO changes to your license can be initiated by making notations on the invoice.

If you are a SPECIFIC LICENSEE (i.e., you license DOES NOT end with "-0G") you MUST submit a completed and signed "Application for Amendment" form (click here for the "Forms and Publications" section of the website) noting the changes which are required. Please note that the mailing address for your facility is referenced in the license document and therefore requires an amendment.
If you are a GENERAL LICENSEE (i.e., your license number ends with "0G" you may submit a summary of the changes on company letterhead and signed by a member of upper administration (i.e., the highest ranking site official).

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The fee amount in the invoice DOES NOT look like the fee amount in Rule .1106 -  WHY?

Due to some unforeseen complications in the rulemaking process, the Agency's fee structure in Rule .1106 was not effective on July 1, 2007.  The Agency is required to bill based on the amounts effective on July 1, 2007; therefore, the amount you were billed was the amount listed in the rule on July 1, 2007.

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Our company renewed one license and submitted an application for another IDENTICAL license at a satellite location.  WHY ARE THE FEES DIFFERENT???

Well, that is a complicated matter...

IF you applied for a NEW Radioactive Materials or Accelerator license AND that license was ISSUED on or after AUGUST 1, 2007, then you are subject to the fee schedule in Rule .1106. Since the license you renewed was in existence PRIOR TO JULY 1, 2007, it was billed at the "former" fee schedule that was part of Rule .1105

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Last Modified:  07 October 2011
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