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N.C. Regulations for Protection Against Radiation
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(a)  A licensee may authorize the release from its control of any individual who has been administered radiopharmaceuticals or permanent implants containing radioactive material if the total effective dose equivalent to any other individual from exposure to the released individual is not likely to exceed 500 millirem (5 mSv).

(b)  The licensee shall provide the released individual with instructions, including written instructions, on actions recommended to maintain doses to other individuals as low as reasonably achievable if the total effective dose equivalent to any other individual is likely to exceed 100 millirem (1 mSv).  If the dose to a breast-feeding infant or child could exceed 100 millirem (1 mSv) assuming there were no interruption of breast-feeding, the instructions shall also include:

(1)           Guidance on the interruption or discontinuation of breast-feeding; and

(2)           Information on the consequences of failure to follow the guidance.

(c)  The licensee shall maintain a record of the basis for authorizing the release of an individual, for three years after the date of release, if the total effective dose equivalent is calculated by:

(1)           Using the retained activity rather than the activity administered;

(2)           Using an occupancy factor less than 0.25 at one meter;

(3)           Using the biological or effective half-live; or

(4)           Considering the shielding by tissue.

(d)  The licensee shall maintain a record, for three years after the date of release, that instructions were provided to a breast-feeding woman if the radiation dose to the infant or child from continued breast-feeding could result in a total effective dose equivalent exceeding 500 millirem (5 mSv).


History Note:        Authority G.S. 104E-7(a)(8);

Eff. August 1, 1998.


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Page Last Modified:  27 August 2007